Credit Card Theft

Credit card theft is similar to credit card fraud, though it requires the act of stealing what is called a “Financial Transaction Device” or an “FTD.” An FTD under Michigan law can be a credit cards, debit cards, account numbers, PINs, etc. These crimes can result in serious consequences that have negative implications on your personal and professional life. In addition, offenders are subjected to compensating the victims of the crime. If you are accused or charged with credit card theft, contact me today to fight the charges and preserve your rights.

Offenses and Penalties

Credit card theft and fraud are both felony offenses that result in serious consequences. It is important to understand the differences and how the prosecution determines which offense to charge, depending on the circumstances.

Credit Card Theft: Stealing or possessing another person’s FTD without permission. It is also illegal to possess another person’s FTD with the intent to use it, to sell it, or to otherwise distribute it.

  • Penalty: Felony – no specific sentence under the statute. Usually up to two to four years in prison.
  • Restitution: In addition to your sentence, you may be required to pay back the victims under Michigan’s laws of criminal restitution.

MPC 150.157n, 750.157p

Credit Card Fraud: “Uttering and publishing” false, forged, altered, or counterfeit financial transaction device or records. Includes passing a forged record or deed. Ex. Using a counterfeit credit under an alter ego or fake name.

  • Penalty: Up to 14 years in prison.

MCL 750.248a

Zayid Law's Defense to Credit Card Theft

Credit Card Theft charges require the prosecution to prove every element beyond a reasonable doubt. The hardest element to prove is intent. Did you intend to steal or otherwise defraud someone’s credit card or FTD? An experienced attorney understands the mitigating factors that establish your innocence and poke holes in the prosecution’s case.

These charges are often the result of a misunderstanding or miscommunication, and I have experience working with prosecutors to prove the lack of intent in order to prosecute these types of charges. In many cases, the prosecution is only aware of one side of the story, and I work tirelessly to build of your side of the story, or what we call the “truth.”

Given what is at stake, the sooner you contact me, the sooner I can get started building a winning defense strategy, preserving your rights, and achieving the best possible outcome for your case. I am available 24/7, call me today for a free initial consultation of your case.