Insurance fraud is a unique offense because it usually involves what appears to be non-violent, harmless crimes by people who aren’t usually considered “criminals.” Nevertheless, the penalties for committing insurance fraud are serious and can result in jail time, fines, risk of job loss, etc. Whether it is a misunderstanding or a one-time mistake, call me today to preserve your rights and get the possible results for our case.
The Michigan Penal Code identifies several actions that are considered insurance fraud, but the most common charges ZAYID LAW deals with are false statements made by an insurance policyholder to his or her insurer. Contact me today to fight your insurance fraud charges.
False Statement on an Insurance Application
Knowingly making a false statement of material fact—oral or written—in an application for insurance to an agent or insurer with the intent to deceive or defraud. You may be punished for assisting or conspiring with another to make false statements of material fact in an insurance application.
MPC 500.4503
False Statement in an Insurance Claim
Knowingly making a false statement of material fact – oral or written – in a claim for payment of an insurance benefit with the intent to deceive or defraud. You may be punished for assisting or conspiring with another to make false statements of material fact in an insurance claim.
Material facts are critically important for insurance companies to determine whether to accept or reject your claim.
MPC 500.4503
In Michigan, insurance fraud is a felony, punishable by up to four years in jail and up to $50,000 in fines.
MPC 500.4511
Insurance fraud may seem like a harmless crime until you understand the penalties that come with a conviction. It is important to hire an attorney who knows what is at stake and can inform you of your rights, options and defenses in order to get the best results possible. ZAYID LAW has experience with the following defenses in insurance fraud cases:
If you have been accused or charged with insurance fraud, contact me as soon as possible to preserve your rights, build a winning defense strategy, and obtain the best possible outcome for your case. Call me today for a free initial consultation.
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